API clients

wavespy provides sync client WavesClient and async WavesAsyncClient

Sync client

To make a request with sync client:

from wavespy.client import WavesClient

client = WavesClient()
node_version = client.node_version()

If request is successful you can get response data:


Get response data items or iterate over response data:


Async client

To make a request with async client:

import asyncio
from wavespy.client import WavesAsyncClient

async_client = WavesAsyncClient()
node_version = asyncio.run(async_client.node_version())

Session reuse

By default API requests made in a new session. You can reuse same session with start_session() method:

import requests
from wavespy import WavesClient

client = WavesClient()
node_version = client.node_version()
node_time = client.utils_time()

For async:

import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
from wavespy import WavesAsyncClient

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async_client = WavesAsyncClient()
node_version = loop.run_until_complete(async_client.node_version())
node_time = loop.run_until_complete(async_client.utils_time())

Or using context. For sync client:

from wavespy import WavesClient

with WavesClient() as client:
    node_version = client.node_version()
    node_time = client.utils_time()

For async client:

import asyncio
from wavespy import WavesAsyncClient

async def get_data():
    async with WavesAsyncClient() as async_client:
        node_version = await async_client.node_version()
        node_time = await async_client.utils_time()

    return (node_version, node_time)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
result = loop.run_until_complete(get_data())